Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki

Here is the scene for the heroes are in the dinosaur stampede during the volcano erupting goes in Tino Tonitini Goes to Jurassic World II: Fallen Kingdom.

Franklin: Claire!

Claire Dearing: Holy-!

(The volcano erupts as the fireballs crashes down to the ground)

Owen Grady: Run!

(They turn to see Owen)

Sakura Avalon: It's Owen!

Owen Grady: Run! RUN!!!!

(All the dinosaurs pops out of the ash cloud running for their lives)

Tino Tonitini: Run for your lives!

Shido Itsuka: Stampede!!

Hugo: Shall we run for our lives?


(The heroes runs for their lives and so as the dinosaurs)






(The Carnotaurus is about to kill Owen and the other heroes, until it was beaten and killed by Rexy, who roars in triumph, before running from the volcanic explosion)

Max Taylor: Let's get out of here!

Rex Ancient: 25 years, and she still knows how to appear out of absolutely nowhere! How does she do it?!


Claire Dearing: Owen!


Max Taylor: TERANAMO!!!






Zoe Drake: WHAT!?

Sunset Shimmer: What!?




Claire Dearing: It was a lie! IT WAS ALL A LIE!!!
