Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki

Tom and Jerry.

Tom and Jerry are two frenemies Cat and Mouse team from the Golden Age of Animation. Tom always tries to get Jerry, but his plans were always backfired. There are such times when they team up when faced with a greater threat than either of them involved. Winnie the Pooh and his friends will meet this duo in Pooh's Adventures of Tom and Jerry: The Movie.


Tom is a male adult Russian Grayish-Blue cat with green eyes and yellow in the whites of the eyes. Tom has a white torso and white hands and feet. The tip of his tail is also white. The rest of his body is greyish-blue.

Jerry is a young brown mouse. Like most mice, he has four whiskers, and he has two tips of fur on his head. And Jerry has two beautiful long eyelashes over his eyes, which makes him look rather girly.


Tom Cat[]

Tom is portrayed as a normal cat that continuously chases after Jerry, for whom he sets traps, many of which backfire and cause damage to himself rather than Jerry. Tom very rarely sets out to eat Jerry, but only to hurt or compete with him, going to great lengths in order to just strategically taunt Jerry (even as revenge), rather than the stereotype of a predatory cat and mouse pairing. However, Tom is shown to get along with Jerry, let alone bonding secretly with each other in terms of their friendship in reality over a mutual sentiment towards an unpleasant experience. Multiple times, the story will start with him having nothing against Jerry, and is merely chasing him out of fear of receiving abuse at the hands of his owner if he doesn't do his job as a cat.

Tom changed his personality remarkably over the years, especially after the first episodes. For example, in his debut, he was quadrupedal and had normal cat intelligence. However, over the years, he has become almost completely bipedal and has not just the typical high intelligence of a normal cat, but also paired with the high intelligence of a human, fusing together to the cat's end result of having very high intelligence. As a slapstick cartoon character, Tom has a superhuman level of elasticity. Tom is usually beaten at the end, although there are some stories where he outwits, defeats, beats, and gets the best of Jerry.

Jerry Mouse[]

Jerry may be a little mouse, but he's got big plans up his furry sleeves. He is prone to mischief and he always likes getting Tom into trouble. Although he is nearly always successful, there are a few occasions where he lost to Tom. He has shown to be mature on a few occasions, as he once tried to stop Tom from eating a pet bird.

Jerry also has a bit of a temper on him. This was shown in "The Milky Waif", when Tom spanked his ward, Tuffy, with a flyswatter. After Jerry noticed Tuffy's red butt, Jerry turned on full rage at Tom, even letting out a huge loud roar, before attacking him.

However, Jerry also has a huge liking for food, mainly cheese. He always seems to raid the fridge and take the food he stole back to his mousehole.

But despite his cheeky, mischievous and hungry nature, Jerry does have a kind heart in him, and even though he sometimes treats Tom teasingly, he realises he is nothing without that cat. And his antics are sometimes useful, for when some other animal tries to take his and Tom's place. And he would team up with Tom to get their original lives back.

So even though he still antagonizes Tom, Jerry now realises that his life wouldn't be the same without him.


