Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki
The Haunting
Season 1, Episode 16b
The Haunting
Written by LegoKyle14 & Magmon47
Directed by LegoKyle14
Episode guide
Barnyard Idol/Transcript
Brave Udders/Transcript

Here's 32nd episode from Season 1 of Winnie the Pooh Goes Back at the Barnyard.


The Beginning[]

(The scene begins with Otis finishes something in the nighttime)

  • Otis: There.
  • Tigger: It's done.
  • Lana: It took awhile but it's finished.
  • Phineas Flynn: Luckily we had those extra parts to go with it.
  • Ferb Fletcher: Yes, yes we did.
  • Isabella: Hey, guys. Whatcha doin'?
  • Lana: We're about to showoff our latest piece to the barnyard.
  • Scruffy: But what is it anyway?
  • Otis: My friends, Lana, Tigger, Phineas, Ferb, my hammer, and i present to you The Fun Shack. (But it turns out to be a small shed)
  • Tigger: Bet you never seen anything like that before.
  • Rabbit: Well no Tigger, i can't seem that I have.
  • Piglet: No recently.
  • Lana: So what do you guys think?
  • Otis: (he hears a cricket chirping) Alright, whose making cricket noises?

(Freddy is making cricket noises, he closes his mouth so Otis wouldn't notice)

  • Abby: Otis, that doesn't look that fun to me.
  • Lincoln: It looks more of a tool shed than a fun shack.
  • -Or a least an outhouse.
  • -Come on, guys. We worked hard on this.
  • -Yeah, would we ever waist a hundred bucks to work on this shack to have a little more fun in your lives? Would we?
  • -Yes.
  • -There's is no way that tiny place could be exactly like you said it would be.
  • Bessie: They made a good point, you sure you didn't order Malibu Betty Termite Dreamhouse by mistake?

(Everyone laughs)

  • Lana: Very funny, Miss Killjoy.
  • Otis: Yeah. Oh T to the HE. The box says it's hours of fun for the whole family. Are you calling the box a liar?
  • Abby: Why yes I am. But please don't tell the box I said that.
  • Winnie the Pooh: It is actually fun in there?
  • Tigger: It is fun? (laughs)
  • Winnie the Pooh: I don't know Tigger. That's why I asked.
  • Otis: Look, just get your furry butts in there OK?
  • Bessie: Ok, but only to see what a ridiculous waste of--Is that a steam room?
  • Abby: A steam room?
  • Lori: You're joking?
  • Pig: Ooh, let me see.
  • Freddy: What else is in there?
  • Peck: Move over.
  • Lana: I knew they liked it.

(Everyone goes in)

  • Otis: Step inside. There's room for everyone. (goes in)
  • Peck: A bowling alley.
  • Pip: A highlight court.
  • Lincoln: An arcade.
  • Wanda: A spa with a mud bath.
  • Luan: A bounce room.
  • Scruffy: A giant buffet line.
  • Sunset Shimmer: Sweet, a concert hall.
  • Timmy Turner: Cool, a race track.
  • Freddy: I wonder where this elevator goes.
  • Abby: Hey, look. A full sized disco floor.

(Everyone began partying, but outside, a orange aura comes out from under the ground)

  • Pip: That was awesome!
  • Lincoln: You said it.
  • -Took the words out of our mouth.
  • -We're sorry we ever doubted you.
  • -Don't worry about it.
  • Lynn: I definitely going back there again.
  • Abby: I going back later to hit the Olympic-sized swimming pole.
  • Otis: But first. Pigster, snack-defy us.
  • Pig: Oh you got it. Who wants tater tinies. (but then a spatula started smacking Pig) You know, you could just say no.
  • Otis: Wha? What'ya talking about? (Suddenly, the lights started flickering) Um, that could be easily explained. (Then the machines started to turn on by themselves) That is somewhat less explainable. (Then a loud shriek scares him) And that explains all known logic and reason. Well, i'm off to Tibet. Good luck with everything.
  • Abby: Otis, I'm scared.
  • Freddy: Me, too.
  • -What is going on?
  • Emma: Ooh. Maybe this barnyard is haunted.
  • Andera: (gasps)
  • Olivia: That's highly unlikely.
  • Scruffy: And besides, a haunting can only happen if something or someone was disturbed on the area.
  • -Unless...
  • Rabbit: Guys, did something happen while you were building your fun shack?
  • Tigger: Not really. All we had to was move a giant rock.
  • Lola: What giant rock?
  • Otis: This one. (holds it up)
  • Bessie: (reads rock) Here Lies Winky.
  • Lucy: Um, guys, that's a tombstone.
  • Freddy: A tombstone!?! Guys, you woke a g-g-g-(gets smacked by Peck) Apparition!
  • Pig: Oh, that means ghost!

(Everyone starts to freak out)

  • Otis: Guys, guys, relax. They're are no such things as ghosts.
  • Winnie the Pooh: Actually ghosts are real.
  • Leni: You guys actually seen ghosts?
  • Tigger: Yeah. We met tons of ghosts that are really cool.
  • Rabbit: Yeah, we met Casper, Slimer, and Stay Puft.
  • -Believe us, ghosts are definitely real.
  • Otis: Nah, still don't believe you. (Otis starts getting hit with the tombstone)
  • Bessie: You were saying?
  • Otis: I'm guessing we have a ghost here. But I'm sure he more afraid of us than we are of him. (Gets hit again)
  • Bessie: Look, I know all about ghosts, so let me handle it.
  • Piglet: Maybe you should let Lucy help Bessie. She speaks to ghosts sometimes.
  • Lori: Yeah, she even talks to Grandma Harriet. Which is literally weird.
  • Lucy: BT-dubs, Lori, Great Grandma Harriet knows you regifted her brooch, and she's not happy about it.
  • Bessie: Fair enough. Abby, get 10 cloves of garlic. We got a ghost to whoop.
  • Otis: No, can't you see he's reaching out to us. There's something he wants to tell us.
  • Bessie: Is that so? So, what do you suggest?

(Otis was thinking of something)

The Middle[]

(Otis begins a séance and started muttering)

  • Leni: Is this some kind of incantation spell?
  • Otis: (to Leni) No, it's my sinuses. It's terribly dry in here. OK, let the séance begin. Everyone hold hooves.

(Everyone hold hands. But Bessie's irritated about holding Pip's hand)

  • Otis: Now the special ghost summoning chanting. (turns off lights) Ghostly chanting. Ghostly chanting Chanting ghostly. Chanting chanting, show your self.
  • Bessie: Where'd you get that ridiculous mumbo jumbo?
  • Otis: Right here in The Big Book of Ridiculous Mumbo Jumbo.
  • Lynn: Well, that's a waist of our time.
  • Lori: Maybe we should let Lucy do it.
  • Pig: They're right Otis. Let Lucy handle it. She's the ghost expert.

(Everyone else agrees)

  • Otis: Fine, fine, let the enemy of fun take a crack at it.
  • Bessie: Bout' time. Lucy, show him how it's done.
  • Lucy: It's Madame Lucy.
  • All: Ooh!
  • Lucy: Oh ghostly spirit, reveal yourself so we may speak with you.

(Then the aura appeared and it turned out to be a rabbit ghost amazing everyone, except for Freddy who faints after he saw the rabbit ghost)

  • Pip: Hey look. It's a cute little rabbit.
  • Abby: He must've been the pet of somebody who use to live on the farm.
  • Otis: Mighty spirit, Winky, why do you haunt our barnyard?
  • Winky: My grave was disturbed. Disturbed!
  • Otis: Oh yeah, that was me. I bought this fun shack online off the internet. Oh you should see thing. It's got a bowling alley, a disco--
  • Winky: It has disturbed me!

(Everyone gasps in horror and Freddy faints again)

  • Otis: OK, OK, Winky, try to calm down. Calm down. (stutters) Tell me how can i set your spirit at rest.
  • Winky: Speak these words: Hocus Decaprio Noctum.
  • Otis: And that would put your soul at rest?
  • Winky: Something like that.
  • Otis: Ok, easy enough. Hocus--
  • Bessie: Don't do it Otis! I know that spell. It's one ghosts use to possess people.
  • Otis: Bessie, Bessie, Bessie. You may have a lot of "knowledge" about the "super-natural", but I'm doing it anyway.
  • All: No!!!!
  • Otis: Alright! Alright!  Hocus Decaprio--(Stop by Bessie by covering his mouth with his hat)
  • Pig: Phew. That was close. He almost said Hocus Decaprio Noctum.
  • Timmy Turner: Uh, Pig, you just said the spell.
  • Pig: I did? Ahh, crud monkeys. (possessed by Winky)
  • Winky: Excellent. Now that I got a body, I can release my fellow ghost pets, and we shall once more walk the earth. (laughs evilly) Or a least waddle the earth.
  • Pig: Hey that's insulting.
  • Otis: Pig. Fight him! Expel him from your body!
  • Pig: (tries) I can't...It's too strong.
  • Winky: Silence! I control this body now!
  • Abby: You got exactly 5 seconds to get out of my friend Pig. (Suddenly, Winky lifts her into the air)
  • Peck: Come on Fred. Pig needs us.
  • Freddy: Are you kidding? I'm a huge chicken. Mmm, huge chicken. (Freddy bites himself and then they both get lifted into the air)
  • Lincoln: It's just a dead rabbit. Let's get him.
  • Rabbit: Take no prisoners!
  • Scruffy: Charge!

(Winky lifts a few of them into the air)

  • Everett: Try that on me, ya ghost pig.
  • Pip: Everett, don't do it.
  • Lincoln: It's too dangerous.
  • Everett: Why not it's fun! (laughs as he's flung into a wall)
  • Otis: That's it, rabbit! Nobody messes with my friends.
  • Bessie: (comes in with a vacuum) Here use this.
  • Lynn: Bessie, I know the place is dirty, but can we do that after we save our friends?
  • Bessie: It's a Eco-vacuum you moron. For sucking up ghostly spirits.
  • Otis: But what if we suck up Pig's spirit by mistake? He'll be a empty husk with no personality.
  • Bessie: I'm ok with that. Now vacuum him up before he goes wakes up his dead friends!
  • Winky: Too late! (Winky laughs evilly, but he gets stuck in the window)

(Otis started to aim)

  • Bessie: What are you waiting for? Get him!
  • Otis: I can't! I can't risk hurting my best friend.
  • Pip: I thought I was your best friend.
  • Otis: Right, I mean second best friend
  • Abby: I thought I was your second best friend
  • Otis: No, your my best friend on the girls list.
  • Abby: You can't have a different list for girls.
  • Otis: Well, I do. It's pink and all the eyes are dotted with fluffy hearts.
  • Pip: Best friend coming through!
  • Abby: Best male friend!
  • Pip: Whatever!
  • Everett: Whee!!!
  • Bessie: Here, if you can't do it, I will. (She was about to take the shoot, but Winky gets loose and flies off, and everyone falls down to the floor)
  • Lincoln: Ow, my head.
  • -Is everyone ok?
  • Eeyore: I think so.
  • Bessie: Great! Now he's going to dig up his friends and we'll all get possessed.
  • Otis: Look don't worry. Pig's still in there. We just need to find a way to reach him. But how? How? And again i ask how?
  • -We don't know. You're the one asking.

(Outside, Pig begins digging the other graves)

  • Pig: Need...snack break.
  • Winky: What carrots are enough for you? Now dig!

(When Pig finishes digging, more ghosts rise from the graves: a cat named Mr. Fluffy, a goldfish named Swimmy, and a parrot named Polly)

  • Winky: Guys! Hey, it's me, Winky!
  • Mr. Fluffy: Winky, is that really you?
  • Swimmy: Man, you really let yourself go.
  • Winky: I possessed this body, you idiot. It's the best I can do on short notice.
  • Polly: (squawks) Polly want to possess the living.
  • Winky: And so you shall. There's a bunch of dofus animals as well as a couple of clueless kids in that barn with enough bodies for all of you. Soon, we'll all be walking the earth again. (laughs evilly) Dead pets group handshake!
  • Ghosts: Dead Pets!

The Ending[]

(Back inside, Cosmo and Freddy finish barricading the door)

  • Freddy: There this outta hold them.
  • Sunset Shimmer: Guys, how do you think hay going to stop them?
  • Cosmo: Maybe they were allergic to hay when they were alive.
  • Pooh, Rabbit, Piglet and Eeyore: Oh, brother.
  • Bessie: None of this would've happen if you'd use garlic like as said.
  • Otis: Maybe we can use something stronger than garlic. Like the power of love!
  • Scruffy: To stop ghosts from possessing us?
  • Otis: Oh, you know, garlic's good. (leaves)
  • Winnie the Pooh: Where are you going?
  • Otis: Stay alive. I will come back for you. I shall return.
  • Timmy Turner: Good luck, Otis. We believe in you.
  • Eeyore: We're goners, aren't we?
  • Timmy Turner: Big time.
  • Winky: They're in there, fellas. Just get them to say the spell and it's fresh bodies for everyone.

(All the ghost went through the door, except Winky who possess Pig who ran into the door)

  • Winky: Ow.

(Everybody starts panicking after they saw the ghosts)

  • Freddy: (chased by Swimmy) You don't my body. I'm a total spaz! See? (spazzes)
  • Polly: (chasing Abby and squawks) Polly wants a body.
  • Mr. Fluffy: (corners Pip and Rabbit) Say it. Say Hocus Decaprio Noctum!
  • Rabbit: Let me answer that by saying HELP!!!!
  • Bessie: Back off, suckers! It's ghost whooping time! Don't mind me, I'm just gonna do some cleaning up. (sucks up Mr. Fluffy and Swimmy)
  • Polly: (squawks) Polly want to talk this over. (gets sucked in)
  • Winky: Release my friends!
  • Bessie: Fat chance! But why don't you join them?
  • Winky: (zaps away the vacuum) You just messed with the wrong 150 year old ghost bunny. (He tears the floor to the abyss and lifts everybody over it) If we can't have the bodies, than you can't either. (laughs evilly until)
  • Otis: (returns) Never fear everyone. For I have brought pie!
  • Timmy Turner: You have got to be kidding me!
  • Rabbit: All that talk about saving us, and you came back with dessert?!
  • Bessie: Maybe you haven't noticed, but we're about to be flung into the abyss, you moron!
  • Otis: Oh, come on. Doesn't anybody want pie. It's banana cream.
  • Lisa: How in the world is that gonna help in this situation?
  • Luan: It won't be easy as pie. (laughs) But seriously, it is not going to work.
  • Pig: Me...want...pie!
  • Winky: You? I thought I had you under control.
  • Otis: Oh, you be amazed how stubborn Pig can be when it comes to his desserts. Like banana cream pie?
  • Winky: Get away from us. (zaps Otis)
  • Otis: Mmm, pie. (Gets zapped again) Creamy. (Gets zapped again) It's stupidly delicious.
  • Pig: Must..have..pie.
  • Winky: No.
  • Pig: Yes.
  • Winky: No!
  • Pig: Yes!
  • Winky: No!
  • Otis: Fight it, Pig! The power of pie compels you! The power of pie compels you!

(Pig starts eating the pie)

  • Winky: Fine, now can we please get on with--(Winky starts making faces)
  • Otis: The recipe, you ask? Why, it's quite simple really. It's just bananas, sugar, cream..(Winky started choking) And 380 cloves of garlic! (Winky comes out of Pig) Hey, what do you know, a Eco-vacuum, cool. I wonder what this button does.
  • Winky: NOOOOOO!!!! (Sucked in the vacuum)

(The abyss closes and everybody drops to the floor)

  • Otis: Pig, are you ok? Speak to me, buddy.
  • Pig: Otis, Otis, I'll never forget what you did to me Otis.
  • Otis: You mean saving you from ghostly oblivion when all hope was lost?
  • Pig: No, I mean for this pie. Garlic and bananas. Who knew?
  • Otis: It was the least I could do, Pig. Now to find a safe spot so these restless spirits we'll never bother us again.
  • Leni: So, like in the middle of the woods?
  • Otis: Exactly. I'll
  • Winnie the Pooh: Hopefully, they won't be bothered ever again.
  • Timmy Turner: Ah, what could someone with a old vacuum bag, anyway?
  • Narrator: 3 weeks later...

(The pizza Twins started in the woods)

  • Pizza Boy 1#: Dude, this is the perfect spot for our Native American Sweat Lodge.
  • Pizza Boy 2#: I know. And check out this rare, bulgy vacuum bag I just dug up.
  • Pizza Boy 1#: Free bag!

(Both of them make noises and then the bag glowed orange)

