Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki

They made it to Sakura house and find Kakashi

Kakashi: Naruto!

Ace: Everybody is safe!

Kakashi: Great!

Naruto: But where's Sakura?

Kakashi: Well, she left in a hurry. Something about going after this... person in black.

Naruto: What! She went out on her own!?

Kakashi: Patient, Naruto. Her spirit is what make Sakura so Special.

Ace: We'd better go find her!

They went to find her

Sakura: (Voice) You better leave me alone!

Naruto: Sakura! Where are you?!

Sakura: Naruto! Help! I'm the Castle!

They found her running away 

Naruto: Sakura!

Sakura: I'm okay!

A Heartless is chasing her and it fighting our Heroes, after the Battle they defeated it

Edward: So you think...

They Found him

Naruto: Edward!

He disappeared 

Edward: Farewell!

Naruto: What does he want?

Ace: He must be part of the Organization 18 Animals. Every heard of a Nobodies? When a strong-hearted person turns into a heartless, a Nobody's created, too. See, the Organization Animal's... they've got control of all the Nobodies.

Wile: And that's right. And they were gonna make you into a Heartless. That way, they could get that nobody if yours and have control over it.

Sakura: You're okay!

Naruto: Sakura!

And then Naruto's friends are here

Naruto: Sakura... I- I'm sorry- I... wasn't myself. I hope I've haven't done anything to her you. Forgive me for this. 

Sakura: I know you weren't yourself. You don't have to say sorry. But I had hoped... that you might have changed a little bit. I wish you could start trusting me.

Shikamaru: Looks like Naruto won't finish his mission?

Ace: What mission?

Shikamaru: Remember the Scroll? Naruto needs to complete the Scroll to become a Ninja like us. If he fails, he will he be dismissed from Sensei Kakashi.

Ace: Really? He's gonna complete this?

Ino: Of course.

Wile: Yep. I think you're right!

Ace: I hope you're right..

Then his Sword appeared, and he know what he must do. He put the Sword down and it creat the Loonatic Symbol, The Scroll is Glowing and it creat a Symbol, Ace aim his sword to the Symbol and he got it

Sakura: Ace, what was that?

Ace: A New Pathway has opened. We have to leave to another world.

Sakura: Do you have to go?

Ace: Yep.

Wile: Now, no more arguing, Okay?

They look blush

Sasuke: We'll see you again.

Shikamaru: Take care.

Ino: Be safe now.

Neji: I know you would.

Ace: If you heard anything about my team's or my Ancestor, the Heartless, the Organization - anything at all- let us know.

They nod means Yes

Ace: Alright, see ya!

Daffy: Bye!
