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This is the transcript of Performing with Fiery Charm in Team Robot In Pokemon XY The Series.

(the episode begins)

(In the morning of Dendemille Town where Serena was seen watching the view of the town as the sun rises up. Serena places her hand to her head and looked determined)

Braixen: (confident) Braixen.

Pancham: (confident) Pancham.

Serena: (turns to her Pokemon) This time we're going to win for sure.

Braixen and Panchm: (cheered)

Ash Ketchum (V.O.): Performing with Fiery Charm!

Narrator: The morning of the Dendemille Town Pokemon Showcase has finally arrived but Serena has a slight case of nerves.

(At the Pokemon Center, we find Serena's mother, Grace on the screen)

Grace: Today's the day. Good luck out there, honey.

Serena: Thanks, Braixen and Pancham are fired up. Make sure you watch us. Okay?

Braixen: (excited) Braix!

Pancham: (excited) Pancham!

Grace: Right.

Serena: Look at this.

Grace: Huh?

(We see Serena holding the model dress she wore back in Laverre City)

Serena: Ta-da! This is the pretty dress I'm going to wear!

Grace: Isn't that just a little too flashy?

Serena: If that's what my mom thinks, it's perfect.

Braixen and Pancham: (agreed)

Grace: Oh, Serena.

Serena: That's not all. This dress was designed by none other than Valerie.

Grace: Well, that's a tremendous help. Now, dear, be sure you give it all you've got. Be one with your Pokemon!

Serena: Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Braixen and Pancham: (determined)

(At the Pokémon Showcase Stadium we see a huge crowd)

Kagome H: Wow, this place sure is busy.

Bonnie: Kagome's right. Look at all these people.

Agumon: There must over hundreds of them.

Tecna: (checking her gadgets) Actually, there is more than about 11, 000 people present for today.

Serena: (looks around) Let's see. Where do I register?

Familiar voice: Serena, is that you?

Serena: (turns around) Huh? (shocked upon noticing) Huh?!

(It was Miette)

Serena: Miette.

Miette: Long time no see, everyone.

Ash Ketchum: Yeah, long time.

Clemont: So how have you been, Miette?

???: Has everything been good for you and Slurpuff?

Miette: Great. (notices the other heroes she hasn't met) Oh, and I see you've got new friends with you.

Ash Ketchum: Oh, yeah. Meet some of my old friends and allies. Bloom, Stella, Flora, Tecna, Musa, Aisha,








Bonnie: Hi, Slurpuff. Good to see you.

Slurpuff: (happy) Slurpuff.

(Then she notices a Meowstic (male) with 'em)

Bonnie: You're a Meowstic, right?

Meowstic (Małe): (proud) Meow.

Emerl: Guess that means she got new Pokémon.

Mark EVO: You got that right sir.

Ash Ketchum: So are you entering the Pokémon Showcase, too?

Miette: Of course. How could I not enter?

Serena: I'm not surprised. (Then Miette leaned close to her) Huh?

Miette: Hmm. You cut your hair.

Serena: Yeah, so what?

Miette: So why did you do that? Something big happen in your life?

Serena: (shocked and blushes) Uh, what're you talking about?! (turns to Ash) Huh?

Ash Ketchum: (chuckled)

Pikachu: Pika.

Biyomon: She just cut her hair and dressed up new clothes because it looks cute for her.

Serena: (Blushes) Biyomon, you're making me blush!

Biyomon: Sorry about that. (Laughs)

Serena: (to Miette) Forget that! I'm all ready to compete in this performance. And I'm not going to lose like I did with the Poke Puffs.

Braixen and Pancham: (agreed)

Miette: Well, the same goes for me. Now, hear this! We're going to settle things once and for all! And then,... (to Serena's ear) remember, I told you I might have a chat with Ash.

Serena: (blushes and moans nervous)

Stella: Uh... (whispers) What's up with them?

Tecna: (whispers) Beats me.

Double-D: (softly giggles) Oh, let's just say Serena has a little bit of a thing for our friend Ash.

Eddy: Hmm? What sorta of thing?

Izzy Izumi: (softly chuckles) Allow me to tell you.

(Izzy has them lean in closer to listen quietly)

Izzy Izumi: (very softly) Serena's got a strong crush on Ash.

The Winx, Kairi, Xion, female Digi-Destined, female Digimon and most of the other female heroes: (softly; gasps) What?!

Biyomon: (softly) Is this for real!?

Yolei Inoue: (softly) Serena has a crush on him?

Palmon: (softly) What're you talking about?

Izzy Izumi: (softly) You see, Serena, happens to have known Ash way before he met any of us, when they were just little kids.

???: (softly) Yep it all started when they both happened to have attended a Summer Camp of Professor Oak, sometime back in their younger years. One day she got separated from the group and was lost, as she wandered the forest she got her leg hurt, however, as she was alone, someone came to her rescue. And that someone was none other than Ash. After finding her, he helped bandage her leg and helped her up. Being saved by Ash at that time was love at first sight for Serena.

The Winx: (softy) Oooh.

Stella: Oh my. Serena's got a secret past with our friend Ash? With romance and drama, catch me I'm going to faint.

Tigger: (softly) Ooh, so ol' Ashy boy's got an admirer?

Sora Takenouchi: (softly) Yep. (giggles)

Aisha: (softly) Well, who would've guessed Ash would win the heart of a girl.

Tecna: (softly) I sure wouldn't have guessed.

Flora: (softly) Oh, how sweet. It kinda reminds me of how I first met my true love, Helia.

Agumon: (softly) But what does that got to do with Miette?

Tai Kamiya (softly) Well, she happens to have her own feelings for Ash too, and thus she's currently rivals with Serena on who'll be Ash's potential girlfriend.

The Winx: (Softly) Oohh. (giggles softly)

Aisha: (chuckles softly) This kinda reminds me of my boyfriend, Nex's rivalry with Roy when they competed over me.

Rika Nonaka: Yeah, it figures.

Ed & Eddy: (singing) Ash and Serena sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. (They both laugh)

Double-D: Ha-ha, real mature guys.

Gmerl: Yeah, really mature indeed.

Miette: (giggles) Later. Bye.

Ash Ketchum: Miette sure seems ready to go.

Pikachu: (agrees) Pika.

Serena: (blushing and shouts) I'm ready to go too!

Ash Ketchum: Right! That's the spirit, Serena.

???: (softly chuckles) Looks, like Ash has no clue of Serena's feelings for him, does he?

???: (softly) Nope, sure doesn't.

???: (softly chuckles) Ash may be good with leadership, battle strategies, and saving others, but what he lacks the most... is love.

???: (nods) Hmm. For sure.

Bonnie: (to the others) Yep. Ash can be so dense.

Dedenne: (emphatic) Denne.

Clemont: Bonnie, what are you talking about?

Bonnie: Of course, you're the same.

Clemont: Huh?

(Unaware to them, a disguised Team Rocket and the villains were watching from a few feet away)

???: Well, well, look what we've got here, gang.

Zach Varmitech: Our foes are here too.

James: So. They're entering the Showcase, too.

Jessie: What difference does it make? I'm going home with the big win this time for sure.





























































































































All Heroes: Who's that Pokemon? It's Pluse and Minun!

(Back to the show)









































































































































































Sora Takenouchi: (Hugs Serena) I'm so proud of you, Serena.



















(It was night time and everyone are sleeping all except for Serena)

Sora Takenouchi: Hey, hey. Hey, Serena. What's the matter?

Serena: Nothing.



Sora Takenouchi: Is it okay I'll sleep with you for a night?

Serena: Sure.

(Sora climbs to Serena's bed and lays down next to her then the two girls looked at each other with a smile)




(Serena and Sora hold hands)

Serena: Good night, Sora.

Sora Takenouchi: Good night, Serena.

(Serena and Sora both closed their eyes and falls asleep while holding hands together)

(the episode ends)
