Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki

This is the scene where the Heroes come up with the plan to stop Colonel Violet and his Villains in Dinolantis: The Lost Dinosaur Kingdom.

(The others followed him to a vehicle)

Ursula: Max, what on Earth are you doing?

Max Taylor: Just follow my lead.

(He activates the vehicle)

Alvin: Well, I'm impressed.

Max Taylor: It's simple, all you have to do is-

Eddy: Yeah, yeah, we got it. Let's do this!

Max Taylor: Eddy wait!

(Eddy out his hand on the pad, and the vehicle goes backwards and crashes)

Max Taylor: Gently. Just gently.

Brad: Hey, Max. Do have something for this robot tuna, like a tune up?

Dinolantian: How is this done?

Max Taylor: All you have to do is use the crystals. Jama showed me.

(He goes to the vehicles, and he shows them how to activate them)

Max Taylor: Half-turn right, quarter-run back. Keep your hand on the pad.

(They activate the vehicles, and they get on, and some got one the Pterodactyls for battle)

Maisie Lockwood: I'm so excited.

Ed: Me too! Let's get ready for battle!!

Max Taylor: Okay, this is it! We're going to rescue the princess! We're going to save Dinolantis! We'll might die trying. SO LET'S DO IT!!

All Heroes: Yeah!

(They took off as the citizens of Dinolantis cheer for them as they fly above)

(The villains blows up the top)

Colonel Violet: I love it when I win.

(Our heroes then fly into the cave)

(then a huge airship is deployed, as we cut back to our heroes)

Max Taylor: Okay, here's the plan. We're going in fast and take them by surprise.

Jenny: I got to tell you Max. Violet is never surprised and she has alot of guns.

Max Taylor: Great! Any other suggestions!

Spider-Man: Yeah! Don't get shot!

Max Taylor: Got it.

(Shadow goes the other way)

Max Taylor: Hold up, Shadow! Where are you going?

Shadow: I'm going to get someone to help us out.
